Preparing for Permanent Makeup

Confirm Your Eligibility

Click HERE to confirm your eligibility for cosmetic tattooing before scheduling. Please continue reading for the full pre-care guidelines, as being well-prepared is essential.

On Appointment Day

Do not consume caffeine on the day of your appointment. This includes coffee (even decaffeinated), tea, soda, pre-workout drinks, ginseng, and energy drinks. Stimulants may cause excessive bleeding, which causes the skin to reject pigment.

Do not consume alcohol 24-48 hours before your appointment.

Come to your appointment with clean, freshly washed hair. During the first week, avoid wetting your brows in the shower.

Please refrain from applying foundation to the forehead. You are welcome to use brow makeup to showcase your usual application style. Larissa will take a before-and-after photo, so feel free to apply other makeup, such as waterproof mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow (below the crease), or concealer, if desired. I want you to feel your best!

Please avoid exercise on the day of your appointment. Physical activity increases blood flow, which may result in excessive bleeding and compromise the quality of the healing process.

Do not take any blood thinners (Advil, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Warfarin, Fish Oils, or Omega-3s) five days before. Tylenol is OK.

Additional Preparation

Frequent Sun Exposure/Tanning or Sun-Damaged Skin: UVB and UVA rays can alter the colour of your brows, leading to premature fading and potentially changing brown pigment to a blue hue. Spending too much time in the sun without sunscreen may compromise your cosmetic tattoo results.

Sun-damaged skin during the appointment can significantly affect the procedure. For example, the skin may retain pigment less effectively, resulting in uneven or poor colour absorption and inconsistent results, such as fading or discoloration of the brows. Furthermore, if the skin is compromised, there’s a higher risk of complications such as irritation or infection. Protecting your skin from sun damage before and after the appointment is essential to ensure the best possible outcome.

Chemical Exfoliants/Medical-Grade Skincare: Do not use Retin-A, Retinol (vitamin A), Glycolic Acid, Alpha Hydroxyl, or Tretinoin on the treated area before or after your appointment. If you currently use any of these skincare exfoliants, please wait at least three weeks before scheduling your appointment.

Botox/Dysport: Avoid receiving Botox or Dysport injections in the forehead/eyebrow area within two weeks before or after your scheduled procedure. Mixing these treatments can lead to unexpected outcomes, such as uneven results or altered pigment placement, as the effects of Botox/Dysport can impact muscle movement.

Antibiotics: It’s essential to avoid getting tattooing or any invasive treatments while you’re ill or on antibiotics because your immune system is already working hard to fight off illness. When your body is under stress, it may focus its energy on healing the infection, which can delay the healing process of your tattoo. Sometimes, your immune system may attack the treated area, causing complications like poor healing, fading, or scarring. For the best results and a successful recovery, please wait until you are fully healthy. Please note that you cannot undergo cosmetic tattooing within two weeks of completing an antibiotic treatment.

Helpful Tips

To reduce disruptions, kindly switch your electronic devices, such as Apple Watches and cellphones, to silent mode or the lowest volume.

Opt for comfortable clothing. Bring slippers and headphones for a more relaxed experience.

During appointments, I concentrate solely on tattooing your brows and talking can be challenging. Talking might activate your forehead muscles, potentially impacting the stable positioning of the needle/machine and my hand.